Ahh this is so exciting, thankyou all for subscribing, commenting, following this blog etc etc.. it means an awful lot! If you at any point want to ask us questions, have any specific videos you want to request or just want to chat then you can find us in these places:
Louisa: https://twitter.com/anoveladventure
Katie: https://twitter.com/amazednosity
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ANovelAdventure
Gmail: louisalikesbooks@gmail.com
Louisa: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/6985365-louisa
Katie: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7400575-katie
Thanks again!
Katie x
EDIT: Hi guys Louisa here, I just wanted to also say thanks for supporting us I know some of my videos haven't been amazing recently (the focus oh god why focus why??) This is because I'm very nearly done with my Undergraduate degree and I'm super super busy right now, and I also have to figure out what to do with my life next (Oh hello quaterly life crisis I've missed you).
Basically that means I haven't had the time to make my videos as good as I'd like (or had anytime whatsoever for this blog) but I have lots of plans for summer for both youtube and blog! So I really hope you stick with us until then!
Thanks again guys x
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