Tuesday, 26 November 2013

NEW VIDEO: Classic Attempt

Hey Guys,
If you haven't caught my new video yet, it went up last night. I introduce a new series Katie and I will be doing on our channel from time to time called classic attempt. This seires is basically trying to encourage myself to read more classics. When I get into them and understand them I really enjoy Classics but without an English Lit teacher spoon feeding me I rarely understand them, and give up part way through. So I thought in this series I would attempt to read the classics and then report back with how far I managed to get through each book, and a review of what I do manage to read.

For this first episode we kept the books simple with a couple of children's classics and Bridget Jones' Diary.

Please give it a watch, and subscribe for more videos if you liked it. It would mean a lot since I'm on 59 subs as I write this and I would love to get 60 (:
There's a nifty button on the left where you can subscribe.

Thanks for watching,

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